iO gives shape to petition in primetime with Amnesty World Cup
The World Cup in Qatar and the performance of the Red Devils will dominate the news in the coming weeks. Will this World Cup be a highlight or a low point for our national team? For Amnesty International, for now, this tournament is at an all-time low. At least when it comes to human rights.

Amnesty International has long been campaigning with the hashtag #PayUpFIFA to raise the human rights violations that came with hosting the World Cup in Qatar. Indeed, Amnesty is calling on FIFA to compensate the migrant workers and their relatives with at least as much prize money as the World Cup winner receives. For now, without any real concessions.
VRT is not avoiding the issue either and will pay the necessary attention to this topic.
iO took a symbolic approach and let Amnesty present its version of the World Cup as a tribute to the hardest-working team at this tournament.
The 3D World Cup took shape through every signature submitted online, as each signature resulted in an additional printing session to complete it. The result can be seen on the petition platform's thank-you page. This way, Amnesty continues to put pressure on FIFA even during the World Cup.
The campaign runs on VRT channels and was made possible thanks to the willing cooperation of all parties involved.
- Client: Amnesty International
- Contacts: Alix Bolsens, Griet Ryckeboer, Wies Degraeve
- Agency: iO
- Account team: Stephanie Katic, Ena Stevens, Eve Tang
- Executive Creative Director: Sam De Win
- Creative team: Ivan Moons, Wouter Huyghe
- Directed by Jeroen Slenders
- 3D design: Anti-Static - Arne Goossens, Griffin Peeters, Samuel Joos
- DOP: Nico Vandepoel
- Sound studio: Raygun
- Fixer: Frank Cuypers
- Stadium: Seppe Vanpeteghem - KV Mechelen

TV campagne (NL-versie)
MP4 9.2 MB