Apotheekkennisbank collaborates with iO on central medicine platform for patient and healthcare provider
Utrecht, 3 May 2022 — To help patients and healthcare providers, the pharmaceutical platform Apotheekkennisbank is working with iO on the development of a central and accessible digital platform where information about medicine is always easy to find: BijsluiterPlus.
When using a new medicine, it is important to read the leaflet in the packaging carefully. But what do you do if for whatever reason, you do not have the package leaflet within reach, or if you still have questions after reading it and need additional information?

Research has shown that this additional information about medication often does not communicate with patients in an effective way. This can increase the misuse of medications.
In addition to the leaflet in the packaging, there are also other materials that explain the proper use of medication, such as instructional videos, apps or instruction cards. This information is often difficult to find and therefore difficult to access for patients and care providers. A solution for this is now under development.
More than a digital leaflet
BijsluiterPlus will be a platform where patients and healthcare providers can easily find information about medicines. Information materials developed by them in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry are becoming more accessible for patients and care providers. In many cases, information about medicines can be found online but can be difficult to find or its accuracy and efficacy is uncertain. By making this information available on a central platform that is accessible to everyone, the chance that medicines are used incorrectly because of the lack of user information or due to outdated and/or incorrect information is considerably reduced.

All available information comes from reliable and independent sources such as apotheek.nl, thuisarts.nl, inhalatorgebruik.nl, College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen (CBG), Bijwerkingencentrum Lareb, Europees Geneesmiddelenbureau (EMA) and Instituut voor Verantwoord Medicijngebruik (IVM).
From the platform, the healthcare provider can easily and securely send the medication information to the user.
Better for all parties
BijsluiterPlus also helps pharmacy employees and general practitioners to give good, effective advice about the use of medication. By referring to a platform, pharmacists and general practitioners always have the most up-to-date drug information as well as materials provided by the pharmaceutical industry.
The future of BijsluiterPlus
The first version of BijsluiterPlus will be delivered in the first half of 2022. After delivery of this version, the platform will be further developed and new functionalities will be added.